피부과 전문의 의학박사 한승석
- 신서중학교, 부천고등학교 졸업 (한국일보 전국 대입 학력경시대회 전국1등, 1995; 수학올림피아드 KMO 동메달, 1994)
- 서울대학교 의과대학 졸업 (함춘학술상 수상)
- 서울대학교 병원, 서울아산병원 인턴, 레지던트, 의학석사, 의학박사 학위 취득
- 서울아산병원 피부과 임상강사 (2007.2 ~ 2009.3, 레이저, 피부암)
- 대한피부과학회 동아제약 학술상 (2008)
- 대한피부과학회 추계학술대회 치료심포지움 최우수 구연상 (2017)
- 대한피부과학회 고재경 학술상 (2022)
- 한빛사 (https://www.ibric.org/hanbitsa/) 4회
- 최다 인용 논문 (250 citations 으로 2018~2020년 전세계 피부과 원저 중에 제일 많이 인용됨)
- ISIC Artificial Intelligence Working Group (https://www.isic-archive.com/artifical-intellgience-working-group)
국내외 논문
- Generation of a Melanoma and Nevus Dataset from Unstandardized Clinical Photographs on the Internet. JAMA Dermatol. 2023
- Evaluation of the Pinhole Method Using Carbon Dioxide Laser on Facial Telangiectasia. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2023
- Evaluation of Artificial Intelligence-assisted Diagnosis of Skin Neoplasms – a single-enter, paralleled, unmasked, randomized controlled trial. J Invest Dermatol. 2022
- Augmenting the Accuracy of Trainee Doctors in DIagnosing Skin Lesions Suspected of Skin Neoplasms in a Real-World Setting. PLOS One, 2022
- Checklist for Evaluation of Image-Based Artificial Intelligence Reports in Dermatology: CLEAR Derm Consensus Guidelines From the International Skin Imaging Collaboration Artificial Intelligence Working Group. JAMA Dermatol. 2021 Dec 1
- Assessment of deep neural networks for the diagnosis of benign and malignant skin neoplasms in comparison with dermatologists: A retrospective validation study. PLoS Med. 2020 Nov 25
- Prospective, comparative evaluation of a deep neural network and dermoscopy in the diagnosis of onychomycosis. PLoS One. 2020 Jun 11
- Augmented Intelligence Dermatology : Deep Neural Networks Empower Medical Professionals in Diagnosing Skin Cancer and Predicting Treatment Options for 134 Skin Disorders. J Invest Dermatol. 2020 Mar 31
- Keratinocytic Skin Cancer Detection on the Face Using Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network. JAMA Dermatol. 2019 Dec 4
- Comment on "Just a quick pic: Ethics of medical photography:" Generative adversarial networks could be a solution. Cho SI, Na JI, Han SS, Chung JH. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2019 Jun 1
- Interpretation of the Outputs of Deep Learning Model trained with Skin Cancer Dataset. J Invest Dermatol. 2018 Jun 1
- Classification of the Clinical Images for Benign and Malignant Cutaneous Tumors Using a Deep Learning Algorithm. J Invest Dermatol. 2018 Feb 8
- Automated detection and classification of the proximal humerus fracture by using deep learning algorithm. Acta Orthop. 2018 Mar 26:1-6.
- The Conical-Shaped, Staged Laser Ablation Technique in the Removal of a Medium Sized Intradermal Nevus. Ann Dermatol. 2018 Feb;30(1):122-124.
- Deep neural networks show an equivalent and often superior performance to dermatologists in onychomycosis diagnosis: Automatic construction of onychomycosis datasets by region-based convolutional deep neural network. PLoS One. 2018 Jan 19;13(1):e0191493.
- Donut ablation method as an alternative to surgical excision or total ablational laser treatment. Ann Dermatol. 2016 Aug;28(4):515-7.
- Effective treatment of congenital melanocytic nevus and nevus sebaceous using the pinhole method with the erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet laser. Ann Dermatol. 2014 Oct;26(5):651-3.
- Treatment with the pinhole technique using erbium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet laser for a café au lait macule and carbon dioxide laser for facial telangiectasia. Ann Dermatol. 2014 Oct;26(5):657-9.
- Split-face comparative study of 1550 nm fractional photothermolysis and trichloroacetic acid 15% chemical peeling for facial melasma in Asian skin. J Cosmet Laser Ther. 2012 Apr;14(2):81-6.
- Treatment of elastosis perforans serpiginosa with the pinhole method using a carbon dioxide laser. Dermatol Surg. 2011 Apr;37(4):524-6.
- Investigation of papulopustular eruptions caused by cetuximab treatment shows altered differentiation markers and increases in inflammatory cytokines. Br J Dermatol. 2009 Nov 9.[Epub ahead of print]
- Neuropeptides and their receptors in psoriatic skin in relation to pruritus. Br J Dermatol. 2007 Jun;156(6):1272-7.
- Multiple mucinous and lipomatous variant of eccrine angiomatous hamartoma associated with spindle cell hemangioma: a novel collision tumor? J Cutan Pathol. 2006 Apr;33(4):323-6.
- A freely movable subcutaneous nodule on the dorsum of the hand. Palisaded encapsulate neuroma, subcutaneous variant. Arch Dermatol. 2004 Aug;140(8):1003-8.
- Comparative genomic hybridization in epithelioid sarcoma. Br J Dermatol. 2004 Nov;151(5):1054-9.
- Q-Switched Nd:YAG Laser Therapy of Acquired Bilateral Nevus of Ota-Like Macules Annals of Dermatology, 2009
- Reduced Expression of Cyclins and Proliferative Indices on the Psoriatic Epidermis after 12 Weeks of Oral Cyclosporin Therapy Annals of Dermatology, 2006
- Expression of p63 in Various Hyperproliferative Skin Diseases Annals of Dermatology, 2006
- A Case of Generalized Vitiligo Associated with Interstitial Deletion of Chromosome 13q Annals of Dermatology, 2005
- A Case of Isolated Epidermolytic Acanthoma Annals of Dermatology, 2004
- 건선병변에서 신경펩티드와 수용체의 발현에 대한 연구 , 대한피부과학회지, 2006
- 선천성 자연치유성 망상조직구증 1예 , 대한피부과학회지, 2005
- 극세포해리 극세포종 1예 , 대한피부과학회지, 2005
- 종창성 홍반성 루푸스 1예 , 대한피부과학회지, 2005
- 외음 절개술 부위에 발생한 피부 자궁내막증 1예, 대한피부과학회지, 2005
- 소아에서 발생한 Wells 증후군 1예, 대한피부과학회지, 2004
해외 발표
- World Congress of Dermatology 2023, Singapore, Looking for the diagnosis online - The good, the bad, the ugly
- IMCAS 2008, Paris, Comparative Study of FraxelTM Laser and Obagi Blue Peel in the treatment of melasma
- IMCAS 2008, Paris, The evaluation of the effects of Titan laser on skin elasticity and moisturization
- IMCAS 2008, Asia, Singapore, Introduction to "Medicalphoto" project - the medical photographic manager
- IMCAS 2008, Asia, Singapore, Upregulation of IL-1alpha, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha are preceded to acneiform eruption of Cetuximab
- 8th Asian Dermatology, Long-term treastment of port-wine stain with pulsed dye laser : a review of 223 cases
- 8th Asian Dermatology, Comparative study of fractional photothermolysis and 25% tricholoroacetic acid peel in the treatment of melasma
- 8th Asian Dermatology, Immunohistochemical study of the cetuximab (IMC-C225, Erbitux) induced acne
- 8th Asian Dermatology, Sphingosine-1-phosphate has a cytotoxic effect on human dermal fibroblast via extracellular signal regulated kinase pathway activation
- 기미에 대한 오바지 필과 프락셀 레이저의 비교 연구, 기미에서 레이저 토닝의 장기치료 고찰, 화염상 혈관종 혈관레이저 장기치료에 대한 고찰 등 11 례
- 제59차 추계학술대회 : 치료심포지엄1 ; 액취증의 수술적 치료에 있어서 양측 유경피판을 사용한 직시하 피하조직 제거술과 지방흡인-진피소파술의 비교: 109명의 환자에 대한 후향적 연구
- 제59차 추계학술대회 : 치료심포지엄2 ; 화염상 혈관종 혈관레이저 장기치료에 대한 고찰
- 제59차 추계학술대회 : 포스터연제 ; Cetuximab이 여드름양 발진을 발생시키는 기전에 대한 연구
- 제59차 추계학술대회 : 포스터연제 ; 기미에 대한 오바지 필과 프락셀 레이저의 비교 연구
- 제58차 춘계학술대회 : 일반포스터 ; 방사선 피부염으로 오진된 점막 상피암 2예, 2006
- 제57차 춘계학술대회 : 심포지엄 2 ; 피부병리 Self Assessment : 3세 여아의 입술 주위에 발생한 구진
- The Cytotoxic Effect of Sphingosine-1-phosphate on Human Dermal Fibroblast
- 심장이식 후 EBV와 연관되어 피부 형질세포종으로 발현된 다발성 골수종 1예
- Long-term treatment of melasma with the Low fluence, multiple pass Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser
- Th17 cells and Th17-associated cytokines in psoriasis
- Q-switched Nd:YAG Laser therapy of acquired bilateral nevus of Ota-Like macules
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